Keep America Beautiful has suspended clean ups to restrict gatherings and potential risks to volunteers from contaminated littered items. It will become more important than ever to prevent litter from fouling our green spaces and water resources. More than ever, litter could be a hazard to our health and safety.
Our friends at the Texas Water Conservation Association assure us that the delivery of safe drinking water is not in jeopardy and there is not a need for stocking up on bottled water or short-cut the 20-seconds of hand washing. They remind us to never flush disinfectant wipes or paper towels down the toilet. You can read the full press release here.
Our landfills could become overwhelmed during this crisis, especially with medical waste. You can help by continuing to recycle where you are able and stay in touch on how policy makers are dealing with this issue. Click here to read a statement from the Association of Plastic Recycling about the role of recycling in making essential products.